Becoming Pure Men Workshop

Becoming Pure Men Workshop

The truth is that a majority of men on Earth have some degree of ungodly issues with sex, including Christian men. Pornography and other issues are as rampant in the Church as it is in the world, and very few want to talk about it, let alone address it. We cover it up...
Prayer Summit VI

Prayer Summit VI

Pastors & Leaders, Share the Power in Partnership with One Voice Pastor’s Network invites you to join us on March 5th, from 8:30 am to 3 pm at Central Assembly in Bethlehem, for a time of concentrated prayer. This is a Free Event, but please let us know if you...
Youth & Young Adult Night

Youth & Young Adult Night

PLEASE NOTE: This event has been postponed. New date T.B.D. One Voice Next Generation Youth Leaders Network invites you to a night of hope, purpose, and life! Please join us for dynamic worship from the Philadelphia-based group Celebración Musica! and a timely and...
Lehigh Valley Jesus Rally

Lehigh Valley Jesus Rally

Countdown to Lehigh Valley Jesus Rally! Day(s) : Hour(s) : Minute(s) : Second(s)     Get ready for Lehigh Valley Jesus Rally! The theme is “Created for More, Empowered to Soar.” The scripture reference is Isaiah 40:31: “but they who wait...